ÎÞÂëרÇø offers QPR Training – Question, Persuade, Refer. QPR is a Suicide Prevention Tool that anyone can learn and use. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught Gatekeeper Training in the world. More information can be found on the .

Training Opportunities:

ÎÞÂëרÇø has many trainers available to provide a 60- to 90-minute QPR training for you or your department or group of staff and/or students. To participate in a QPR training, you may:

  • Contact one of the trained QPR facilitators listed below to set up a QPR training for your department or group. It will be your responsibility to reserve a room and to notify your group members of the time/date/location of the training.
  • Email the Counseling Center to request a QPR training for your group or department. We will provide the Trainer(s) for the training and you will reserve a room and notify your group members of the time/date/location of the training.
  • Email the Counseling Center to sign up individually for an open QPR training on campus

A training session may not exceed 35 participants.

Upcoming QPR Trainings

Join trained facilitators for Question. Persuade. Refer. training. Ask a question. Save a life.

Please join us for our next session: 

Tuesday, November 19
1:30-3 p.m.
HSB Room 200


Campus Resources:

University Counseling Center
Bereavement Group 610-519-4050
Student Health Center
(Open 24/7 when classes are in session)
Dean of Students Office
Health Promotion 610-519-7407
Campus Ministry
Residence Life Your R.A. / 610-519-4154

QPR Trained Facilitators:

Contact Email
Donald Altemus College of Professional Studies donald.altemus@villanova.edu
Stacy Andes Health Promotion stacy.andes@villanova.edu
Eloise Berry Intercultural Affairs eloise.berry@villanova.edu
Kathy Byrnes Student Life kathleen.byrnes@villanova.edu
John Clements Public Safety john.clements@villanova.edu
Kirsten Curtis Counseling Center kirsten.curtis@villanova.edu
Stephanie Dash Dinings Services stephanie.dash@villanova.edu
Sean Dinan Counseling Center sean.dinan@villanova.edu
Anna Drummey A&S   anna.drummey@villanova.edu
Nathalie Edmond Counseling Center nathalie.edmond@villanova.edu
Dillon Eppenstein Residence Life dillon.eppenstein@villanova.edu
Rachel Epstein Learning Support Services rachel.epstein@villanova.edu
Jonadad  Fequiere Residence Life jonadad.fequiere@villanova.edu
Michele Gianforcaro School of Business michele.gianforcaro@villanova.edu
Emily Harris Learning Support Services emily.f.harris@villanova.edu
Stephen Jones College of Engineering s.jones@villanova.edu
Allison Kozloff Counseling Center allison.kozloff@villanova.edu
Susan Leighton College of Professional Studies susan.leighton@villanova.edu
Leashia Lewis Athletics leashia.lewis@villanova.edu
Jen Liberato Residence Life jennifer.liberato@villanova.edu
Samantha Logan Counseling Center samantha.logan@villanova.edu
Emily McMordie The Clay Center, VSB emily.mcmordie@villanova.edu
Kimberly Muldoon Ivenz VITAL kimberly.muldoon.ivenz@villanova.edu
Kap Nayar Counseling Center kapil.nayar@villanova.edu
Rick Neff Counseling Center richard.neff@villanova.edu
Julie Neudeck Counseling Center julie.a.neudeck@villanova.edu
Victoria Ostroff University Counseling Center victoria.ostroff@villanova.edu
Jessica Pellicciotta Health Promotion jessica.pellicciotta@villanova.edu
Candice Post Counseling Center candice.post@villanova.edu
Tedd Riccio University Counseling Center edmund.riccio@villanova.edu
Ryan Rost Title IX Coordinator ryan.rost@villanova.edu
Chris Schmidt Education and Counseling christopher.schmidt@villanova.edu
Nona Sharp Counseling Center nona.sharp@villanova.edu
Natalie Sheridan University Counseling Center natalie.sheridan@villanova.edu
Julia Stein University Counseling Center julia.stein@villanova.edu
Barbara Stephen College of Nursing barbara.stephen@villanova.edu
Edward Wahesh Education and Counseling edward.wahesh@villanova.edu
Guy Weissinger College of Nursing guy.weissinger@villanova.edu
Alexandra Zappala Counseling Center alexandra.zappala@villanova.edu


National Suicide Prevention Hotline (24/7): Call 988; 

ÎÞÂëרÇø Public Safety: 610-519-4444

Off-Campus: Call 911



In an emergency, call ÎÞÂëרÇø Public Safety at 610-519-4444.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 988.