Teaching with A.I.
Learning about A.I.
, VITAL Program, 10/1/24 (video, 52m)
Drs. Ethan and Lilach Mollick from Wharton School share in this video series on YouTube
, University of Pennsylvania Coursera Course, Instructor: Dr. Ethan Mollick
Dr. Ethan Mollick's (2024), online version, Falvey Library
- freely available to all faculty, staff and students at ÎÞÂëרÇø
The State-of-the-Discussion on A.I. and Teaching at ÎÞÂëרÇø, VITALITY, fall 24
Purposeful Integration of A.I. into Your Course Curriculum
- A.I. Guides, Resources, and Assignments
, resources for developing students’ A.I. Literacy
- University of Central Florida
, Drs. Ethan and Lilach Mollick
, Drs. Ethan and Lilach Mollick
- J. Warner, Episode 449, 01-19-23, Teaching in Higher Ed podcast
Drs. Ethan and Lilach Mollick's
Academic Integrity Resources
ÎÞÂëרÇø updated code on academic integrity, August 15, 2023
Guidance for ÎÞÂëרÇø Faculty on A.I. Text Generators
Guidelines for ÎÞÂëרÇø Students Regarding Responsible Academic Use of A.I.-Generated Material
- by Elon University and AA&U
How Can I Prevent Plagiarism in the Artificial Intelligence Era? - Monday Morning Mentor: Week of 1/22-1/28 (transcript PDF)
- Amoush, S., & Farhat, A., 12-13-23, Faculty Focus
On ChatGPT, VITALITY, spring 23
. How to teach with A.I. tools in ways that meet faculty concerns about ethics and equity - D. Lewis, 11-13-23, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- J. Lang, 04-04-23, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Detecting AI: Developing Your Detection Skills, VITALITY, fall 23
Strategies to Consider if You Suspect A.I. Misuse in Your Course, VITALITY, spring 24
A.I. and the Professor's Role
, Drs. Ethan and Lilach Mollick
, Drs. Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick, Harvard Business Publishing Education
How Can I Use A.I. to Create Multimedia Teaching Materials? -Monday Morning Mentor: Week of 2/22-2/28 (transcript PDF)
, Faculty Focus podcast, 04/12/23
outlines methods of designing writing assignments in the face of A.I. incursion - E. Prochaska, 01-23-23, Faculty Focus
- A. Caines, Episode 452, 02-29-23, Teaching in Higher Ed podcast
: Capabilities, limitations, considerations for using ChatGPT for teaching and learning