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Veritas Award Recipients

Audra Goodnight, PhD,聽Ethics, CLAS
God and End-of-Life Decisions: A Secular and Spiritual Exploration

Alan Pichanick, PhD,聽Augustine and Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
Platonic Reflections on Artificial Intelligence and Human Wisdom

Veronica Ogle, PhD and Terence Sweeney, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
Thinking Through the Incarnation: Augustine and Relationality

Gerald Beyer, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
The Ethics of NATO Expansion: An Examination from the Perspective of Catholic Social Teaching

Steven Chanenson,聽JD, Charles Widger School of Law
Comparative Correctional Oversight: Pursuing Human Dignity

Edward Fierros, PhD, Education and Counseling, CLAS
What is Our Mission?: Examining the Status of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities

Colleen Mitchell, PhD, Augustinian Institute (ACS)
Rome Divided: Augustine and Machiavelli on Politics and Religion in the Eternal City

Jahdiel Perez, PhD, Humanities and Augustinian Traditions, CLAS
God and the Spirit of Gravity: A Constructive Nietzschean Challenge to Christian Thought

Stephen Andriole, PhD, Accountancy & Management Information Systems, VSB
Addressing Business - Technology Ethical Challenges

Eugene McCarraher, PhD, Humanities, CLAS        
The Wages God Gets: A Rapprochement of Craft and Automation?

Raul Diego Rivera Hernandez, PhD, Romance Languages & Literatures, CLAS 
Mother Activists and the Search of Disappeared Central American Migrants: A documentary film

Brett Grainger, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
The Sonic-Spiritual Experimentalism of Alice Coltrane

Kabindra Shakya, PhD; Steven Goldsmith, PhD, Geography and the Environment, CLAS
Daniel Jackson Smith, PhD; Ruth McDermott-Levy, PhD, Nursing
Establishment of a community based participatory research (CBPR) program to manage lead exposure risk

Vincent Lloyd, PhD, Theology & Religious Studies, CLAS
Clarifying Abuse: Beyond the Domination Paradigm in the Abuse Crisis

Janell Mensinger, PhD; Guy Weissinger, PhD; and Mary Ann Cantrell, PhD, Nursing, CON
Biofeedback training with HeartMath tools for reducing stress and disordered eating among nursing professionals during COVID-19: A Feasibility Trial

Stephen Napier, PhD, Philosophy, CLAS
Catholic Catechism on Healthcare Ethics

Virginia Smith, PhD; Bridget Wadzuk, PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, COE; and Peleg Kremer, PhD, Geography and the Environment, CLAS
Integration of stormwater, environmental, and social data to mitigate social inequity associated with flooding

Rick Eckstein, PhD, Sociology & Criminology, CLAS
Sport at the (Dis)Service of Humanity

Margaret Grubiak, PhD,
  Architectural History (Humanities), CLAS
From Roman Temple to Baptist Church: Sin and Transformation in Southern Baptist Culture

Sarah-Vaughan Brakman, PhD, Philosophy, CLAS
Of Blood and Love and the Ties that Bind: An Ethical Analysis of Adoption Practices

Steven Chanenson, JD, CWSL
Scandinavian Prison Project

Ian Clausen, PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellow (NTT), CLAS
Augustine's Legacy of Ordo Amoris ("Order of Love")

Timothy Hanchin, PhD/Christy Lang Hearlson, PhD, Theology & Religious Studies, CLAS
Educating for Ecological Conversion: An Ecstatic Pedagogy for Catholic Higher Education Amid Climate Change

Delia Popa, PhD, Philosophy, CLAS
The Self and the Other. An Augustinian Perspective on Global Migration

Vito Punzi, PhD, Chemical Engineering, COE
Social Justice: A Key Component of the Discerning Engineer's Vocation

Rachel Smith, PhD, Theology & Religious Studies, CLAS
Making Belief: Prayer and the Fictional in Medieval Devotional and Visionary Texts

Michael Tomko, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
Wordsworth's Search for a Contemplative Ecology

Luca Cottini, PhD, Romance Languages & Literatures, CLAS
The Americanism of Pope Leo XIII and the Rise of America in Italian Culture (1878-1903)

Rachel Baard, PhD, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
The Bonhoeffer Moment

Brett Grainger, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
Nineteenth-Century Attitudes to Nature Among African-American Protestants

Stephen Napier, PhD, Philosophy, CLAS
Uncertain Bioethics

Paul Camacho, PhD, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
Philosophy & the Between: An Introduction to the Thought of William Desmond

Gerald Beyer, PhD, Theology & Religious Studies, CLAS
Worker Justice as a Pro-Life Issue

Alan Pichanick, PhD, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
Freud and Augustine on Time and Timelessness

Vincent Lloyd, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
Black Dignity

Ian Clausen, PhD, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
Reckoning with Reality: An Augustinian Approach to Conscience

Kaley Carpenter, PhD, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
The Unplugged Experiment: Analyzing the Effects of Digital Deprivation on Undergraduate Life and Learning

Timothy Hanchin, PhD, Theology, CLAS
Augustine on Friendship and Education: Towards a Pedagogy of Caritas in Catholic Higher Education

Stephen Napier, PhD, Philosophy, CLAS
Knowledge of the Good through Knowledge of God

 Helena Tomko, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
Catholic Metaphysics and the Responsibilities of History After 1933

 Suzanne Toton, PhD, Theology & Religious Studies, CLAS
Engaging the Justice Lens Overseas

 James Wilson, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
Catholic Modernism and the Irish Avante Garde

Lorraine McCrary, PhD, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
Disability in Hannah Arendt and St. Augustine: Natality, Giveness & the Pariah

Jessica M. Murdoch, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
Entropy, Sin and Thomistic Order

Gerald J. Beyer, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
Solidarity or Status Quo? Catholic Social Teaching and the Mission of US Catholic Universities

Cynthia R. Nielsen, PhD, Ethics, CLAS
Re-Humanizing the Inmate, Dismantling Radicalized Discourses, and Redeeming Time: Toward Transformative, Restorative, and We-Building Possibilities

Michael Tomko, PhD, Humanities and Augustinian Traditions, CLAS
The Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Petic Faith from Coleridge to Tolkein

Rachel Smith, PhD, Theology and Religious Studies, CLAS
Female Exemplarity in the Bonum Universale de Apibus and the Formicarius

Mark S. M. Scott, PhD, Augustine and Culture Seminar Program, CLAS
Pathways in Theodicy: Constructive Perspectives on the Problem of Evil

Peter Busch, PhD, Center for Liberal Education, CLAS
Augustinian Peace in the Modern World

Jesse Couenhoven, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
Augustine's Doctrines of Original Sin and Predestination

Anna Bonta Moreland, PhD, Humanities, CLAS

Robert DeFina, PhD, Sociology, CLAS
Out in the Cold: Catholic Social Thought and the Attack on Public Sector Unions in Wisconsin

Eugene McCarraher, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
The Intellectual and Political Condition of Liberation Theology


Adriano Duque, PhD, Romance Languages, CLAS
African Path: The Dangerous Route to Christian Spain

Timothy Horner, PhD, Augustine Seminars, CLAS
Catholic Relief Services, Rwanda

Carey Walsh, PhD, Theology, CLAS
A Real Presence of Biblical Narrative

James Wilson, PhD, Humanities, CLAS
TS Eliot, Jaques Maritain, and the Return of the Real