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University Summer Grant Program Award Recipients

2015-2023 Recipients

2007-2014 Recipients

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Samantha Chapman & Dennis Wykoff, Biology,聽 Changing Climate, Changing Communities: Investigating Microbial Community Responses to Warming, Seal Level Rise, and Plant Range Shifts
  • Bryan Eigenbrodt, Chemistry, Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Anode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Operation in Complex Hydrocarbon Environment
  • Marc Gallicchio, History, Conservatives, New Dealers, and the Unconditional Surrender of Japan
  • Janette Hebers, Psychology, Health Children and Families:聽 Strengths, Adversity and Well-being of Children Experiencing Family Homelessness
  • Vikram Iyengar, Biology, Big Wigs and Small Wigs:聽 The Roles of Sex, Size and Weaponry in the聽 Mating System of the Maritime Earwig聽 (Anisolabis Maritima)
  • Anthony Lagalante, Chemistry, Scientific Analysis of Pietro da Cortona's The Triumph of David
  • Bette Mariani, Nursing, Medication Safety Simulation:聽 Instrument Development and Psychometric Testing
  • Sergey Nersesov, Mechanical Engineering, Coordinated Control of Heterogeneous Autonomous Agent Networks
  • Gabriel Rockhill, Philosophy, Rethinking Revolution
  • Katina Sawyer, Psychology, How Does Conflict Work Without Heteronormative Assumptions?聽 Development and Validation of an LGB Identity-Based Work-Family Conflict Scale
  • Rachel Smith, Theology & Religious Studies, Horror, Wonder and the Affect of Exemplarity
  • Qianhong Wu, Mechanical Engineering, Lift Generation in a Functionalized Supra Molecular Porous Layer, a Biologically Inspired Research to Super Lubrication

Summer Research Fellowship Recipients

  • Joseph Drury, English, The Machine in the Novel:聽 Science, Technology and the Form of Eighteenth-Century British Fiction
  • Christopher Schmidt, Education and Counseling, Measuring the Impact of Imago Relationship Therapy on Couple Communication, Marital Satisfaction, Empathy and Personality Congruence
  • Rory Kramer, Sociology & Criminal Justice, Long Term Impacts of Diverse Colleges: A Sixth Wave of the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen
  • Ryan Jorn, Chemistry, Modeling Chemistry and Charge Transfer at the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface

聽Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Rick Eckstein, Sociology, Girls Just Want to Have Fun:聽 How Colleges are Ruining Youth Sports

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Rebecca J. Brand, Psychology, The Role of Repetition in Infants' Learning of Actions and Action Sequences: Exploring the Benefits of Motionese
  • Aimee Eggler, Chemistry, Investigation of a Putative "Cloaking" Post-translational Modification of the Cytoprotective
  • Judith Giesberg, History, Pornography and Sexual Culture in the Civil War North
  • Daniel Kraut, Chemistry, Molecular Basis of Proteasomal Processity
  • Paul C. Rosier, History Citizens of the World: American Indians, Citizenship and the Promise of American Life
  • Thomas Ksiazek, Communications, Civil Interactivity? Explaining Hostile and Polite Discussion in User Comments Posted to Online News Sites
  • Patrick Markey, Psychology, Complementarily Among Same-Sex Romantic Relationships: Psychological and Physical Well-Being
  • Ani Ural, Mechanical Engineering, The Effect of Nanoscale Material Properties and Spatial Arrangement on Fracture Behavior of Bone
  • Bernard Gallagher, Stressful Life Events, Social Class and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  • Nathan Weston, Geography & The Environment, Assessing Radioactive and Trace Metal Contamination of Streams by Natural Gas Extraction Activities in the Marcellus Shale
  • James W. Wilson, Biology, The Bacterial yaiV and STM1266 Genes: Roles in Stress Resistance and Biofilm Formation
  • Matthew Youngman, Biology, Determining the Regulatory Mechanism of Increased DAF-16 Transcriptional Activity During Aging in Caenorhabditis Elegans

Research Support Grant Only

  • Heather Hicks, English, Apocalyptic Beings: The Genre of Apocalypse After Postmodernism
  • Erasmus Kersting, Economics, All Aid is Local: The Allocation and Impact of World Bank Loans at the Subnational Level

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Garrett Clayton, Mechanical Engineering; "Two Dimensional Image-Based Measurement of General Scanning Probe Microscope Trajectories"
  • Noelle Comolli, Chemical Engineering; "Albuterol鈥搗itamin D3 combination microparticles for the treatment of severe asthma"
  • Robert Curry, Biology; "Personality in Carolina and Black Capped Chickadees: Potential Influence on Mate Choice in a Rapidly Moving Vertebrate Hybrid Zone"
  • Paul Danove, Theology; "New Testament Verbs of Communication: a Case Frame and Exegetical Study"
  • Steven Goldsmith, Geography and the Environment; "The Role of Intense Storm Events and River Floodplains as a Sink for Terrestrially Derived Carbon"
  • Calvin Hong Li, Mechanical Engineering; "Multiscale Experimental Study of Thermal Transport in Soft Condensed Materials with Nanoscale Inclusions"
  • Zuyi Huang, Chemical Engineering; "Development of a Metabolic Network Model for Psydomonas Aeruginosa in Biofilms"
  • Irene Kan, Psychology; "Understanding and Enhancing Memory Monitoring: a Neuropsychological Perspective"
  • Julie Klein, Philosophy; "Spinoza on Knowing and Being"
  • Joseph Lennon, English, Irish Studies; "The Hunger Artist: Marion Wallace-Dunlop and the First Hunger Strike"
  • Rayna Markin, Education and Counseling; "Early Treatment Outcome of Long-Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and a Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: How and Why Patients Change"
  • Kevin Minbiole, Chemistry: "Polycephalic (Multiheaded) Amphiphiles: Rational Development of Novel Antibacterial Agents"
  • Sally Scholz, Philosophy; "Human Rights and Feminist Global Solidarities"
  • Erica Slotter, Psychology; "Self-Concept Recovery After Relationship Dissolution: Investigating Predictors Outcomes and Potential Interventions"
  • Michael Smith; "Investigation of Vanadium Oxide Catalysis"
  • Bridget Wadzuk and Andrea Welker, Civil and Environmental Engineering; "Nutrient Export from a Green Roof"
  • Xiafong Wang, Electrical Engineering; "Dynamically-Adaptable Channel Buffers for Area-Efficient and High-Performance Networks on Chip"

Research Support Grant Only

  • Jeremy Kees, Marketing: "Consumer Behavior and Public Policy Behavioral Lab"

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Anil Bamezai, Biology; "To Investigate Inhibitory Role of Ly -6A.2 Molecule in CD4+ T Lymphocytes"
  • Brian Chaplin, Civil and Environmental Engineering; "Development of Reactive Electrochemical Membranes for Water Treatment"
  • Lan Nguyen Chaplin, Marketing and Business Law; "Count Your Blessings: Effects of the Recession on Children's and Adolescents' Materialism, Gratitude, and Generosity"
  • Gang Feng, Mechanical Engineering; "Characterization and Modeling of Contact-Induced Mechanical Behavior at Small Scales at Different Temperatures"
  • Vikram Kode Iyengar, Biology; "Sexual Selection on the Seashore: The Harem Mating System of a Marine Crustacean"
  • Elizabeth Kolsky, History; "Empire and Terror in South Asia: A History of the Northwest Frontier of British India"
  • Gabriel Rockhill, Philosophy; "Radical History and the Politics of Art"
  • Rebecca Lynn Winer, History; "Conscripting the breast: Motherhood and Nurturing in the Medieval Realms of Aragon"
  • Joseph Robert Yost, Civil and Environmental Engineering; "Experimental Behavior of Concrete Bridge Decks Reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar"

Summer Research Fellowship Recipients

  • Michael Brown, Psychology; "Same/Different Concept Learning in Bees?
  • Alan Drew, English; "The Hidden Life, a Novel
  • Dean Diavatopoulos, Finance; "Does Corporate Governance Matter for Equity Returns?"
  • Megan M. Quigley, English; "Vagueness and Modern Novels"
  • Narda Quigley, Management and Operations; "Antecedents and Consequences of Team Member Boundary Spanning: An Empirical Investigation"
  • Dennis D. Wykoff, Biology; "Transfer of the Phosphate Signal Transduction Pathway from Fission Yeast to Brewer's Yeast"
  • Tina Yang, Finance; "The Evolving Role of Proxy Contests Research

Support Grant Recipients

  • Emmanuel David, Sociology; "Gender, emotional labor, and identity at transnational call centers in the Philippines"
  • Leslie McCarthy, Civil and Environmental Engineering; "Validation of Field Pavement Thickness for Construction of Local Roads"
  • Dorothy W. Skaf, Chemical Engineering; "Photocatalytic Production of Hydrogen from Glycerol and Waste Streams Using Metal Loaded TiO2"

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Dr. Rebecca J. Brand, Psychology; "Exploring the benefits of child-directed action, or 'motionese'"
  • Dr. David W. Dinehart, Civil and Environmental; "Safety Investigation of Structures and Research with Grouped Anchor Supports"
  • Dr. Charles L. Folk, Psychology; "Mental States and Attentional Performances"
  • Dr. Giorgi Japaridze, Computing Sciences; "Taming Recurrences in Computability Logic"
  • Dr. Jens O.M. Karlsson and Dr. Angela DiBenedetto, Mechanical Engineering and Biology; "Non-Equilibrium Ice Formation in Cryopreserved Zebrafish Germplasm"
  • Dr. Ginamarie Ligon, Psychology; "Characteristics of Violent and Non-Violent Ideological Organizations: Relationships to Innovation, Performances, and Destructiveness Criteria"
  • Dr. Jean M. Lutes, English; "Crying Out Loud: Emotion, Mass Culture, and Women鈥檚 Narratives in Early Twentieth-Century America"
  • Dr. Sergey G. Nersesov, Mechanical Engineering; "Decentralized Control for Energy Efficient Complex HVAC Systems"
  • Dr. Paul Rosier, History; "'What the world will need to survive': American Indian Environmentalism in a Global Age"
  • Dr. Peter Spitaler, Theology; "Pauline Spirituality in Context: Judaean, Roman, Mediterranean"
  • Dr. James W. Wilson, Biology; "The conserved bacterial transcriptional regulator YdcI"
  • Dr. Qianhong Wu, Mechanical Engineering; "On the Application of Lessons Learned from Microcirculation to Super Lubrication

Summer Research Fellowships

  • Dr. Shelly Howton, Finance; "The Impact of Option Introduction on Real Estate Investment Trusts"
  • Dr. Jeremy Kees, Marketing; "Visual Tobacco Warnings: Assessing Alternatives for Use on U.S. Cigarette Packages"
  • Dr. Dalia Nassar, Philosophy; "Transforming Nature Into Culture: Herder, Kant, Geothe, Schelling"
  • Dr. Annika Thiem, Philosophy; "Messianic Dreams and Secular Nightmares"
  • Dr. Ani Ural, Mechanical Engineering; "Finite Element Modeling of Bone Microstructure"

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Dr. Robert  Curry,  Biology; "Dynamics of the Moving Hybrid Zone between Black Capped Chickadees and Carolina Chickadees in Southern Pennsylvania:  Field Study and Application of New Molecular Markers"
  • Dr. Nicole  M. Else-Quest, Psychology; "Gender Differences in Self Conscious  Emotions: A Developmental  Mela-Analysis"
  • Dr. Irene P. Kan, Psychology; "The Role of Semantic Support in New Learning: Evidence from Amnesia"
  • Dr. Patrick  Markey, Psychology; "A New Assessmenl of the Interpersonal Circumplex: The International Item Pool - Interpersonal Circumplex (IPIP-IPC)"
  • Dr. Tim McCall,  History; "Art and Chivalric Masculinity in Early Renaissance Italy"
  • Dr. Alel,sandra Radlinska, Civil and Environmental  Engineering; "Susrainabilily of Concrete Structures: Shrinkage-Based Design Approach"
  • Dr. Jill Rappoport, English; "Giving Women: Sisterhood and Exchange in Victorian Literature"
  • Dr. Bridget  Wadzuk, Civil and Environmental Engineering; "The Kinetics of A Constructed Stormwater Wetland"
  • Dr. Xiaofang Wang,  Electrical and Computing Engineering; "A High-Performance and Resource-Efficient  On-Chip Communication Network/or Multiprocessors  on FPGAs"
  • Dr. Nathaniel B. Weston,  Geography and the Environment; "The Impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on Tidal Freshwater Marshes of the Delaware River Estuary"

Summer Research Fellowships

  • Dr. Walter A. Brogan, Philosophy; "Marlin Heidegger 's Being and Time.- A Commentary"
  • Dr. Heather Hicks, English, "The Planet Seemed to Grow Larger and Smaller":  Local and Globed Subjectivity in the War olthe Worlds"
  • Dr. Christopher Kilby, Economics; "Donor Influence in International Financial Institutions Deciphering What Alignment Measures Measure"
  • Dr. MatthewS. Matell, Psychology: "Averaging of Temporal Memories in the Rat"
  • Dr. Alain J. Phares, Physics; "Absorption on Terraces and Nanotubes"

Research Support Grants

  • Dr. Craig Bailey, History; "Re-Imaging the Metropole: The Middle Class Irish Community  in Eighteenth Century London"

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Dr. David M. Barrett, Political Science; "JFK, Congress, and the CIA: Security, Secrecy, and Accountability Dilemmas"
  • Dr. William J. Kelly, Chemical Engineering; "Modeling Shear Damage to CHO cells in Rotary Lobe pumps"
  • Dr. John E. Kurtz, Psychology; "Personality Stability and Change in the Transition and Adjustment to College Life: A Multi-Informant Investigation"
  • Dr. Gabriel Rockhill, Philosophy; "Contemporary Political Culture"
  • Dr. Catherine Warrick, Political Science; "Islamic Law in Western Democracies: the Implications of Demands for Legal Pluralism"

Summer Research Fellowships

  • Dr. Cheryl C. Asher, Economics; "Women and Self-Employment"
  • Dr. Robert H. DeFina, Sociology; "The Impact of Incarceration on the Extent of Poverty"
  • Dr. Angela DiBenedetto, Biology; "The Effect of brd2 Knockdown on Apoptosis During Zebrafish Development"
  • Dr. Scott J. Dressler, Economics; "Economies of Scale in Banking and Economic Volatility"
  • Dr. Shawn D. Howton, Finance; "Classified Boards, Management Entrenchment, and Corporate Social Performance"

Summer Research Fellowship and Research Support Grant Recipients

  • Dr. Patricia Bradley, Nursing, Preparing Study Instruments for Symptom Relief for African American Breast Cancer Survivors
  • Dr. Rebecca Brand, Psychology, How Do Mothers鈥 Behaviors Affect Child Learning?
  • Dr. Alice Dailey, English, From Acts to Monuments: Martyrdom and the English Reformation
  • Dr. David Dinehart, Engineering, Development of an Advanced Connection System for Resisting Forces from Hurricanes
  • Dr. Metin Duran, Engineering, Detection and Qualification of Viable but non-Culturalable Pathogens in Disinfected WastewaterEffluents and Biosolids Through Gene Expression Monitoring
  • Dr. Jeremy Kees, VSB Consideration of Future Consequences as a Moderator of Temporal Framing and Regulatory Focus in a Health Domain
  • Dr. Deborah Schussler, Education and Human Services, Using Case Studies to Develop Awareness of Dispositions

Summer Research Fellowships

  • Dr. Vikram Iyengar, Biology, Chemical Signaling and Paternity: Sexual Selection in a Polygamous Moth
  • Dr. John Kozup, VSB, Information Provision in the Mutual Fund Industry: The Effects of a Summary Prospectus on Consumer Product Evaluations
  • Dr. Paul Livingston, Philosophy, Book Manuscript: Reading Logos and Language in Husserl and Heidegger
  • Dr. Wenhong Luo, VSB, Search Advertising Optimization: Where Should We Put Advertisements in Search Engines?
  • Dr. Sergey Nersesov, Engineering, Finite-Time Stabliziation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  • Dr. Allison Payne, Sociology, Making Research-Based Prevention Programs Work in 鈥淩eal World鈥 Schools
  • Dr. Narda Quigley, VSB, The Nature of Team Personality and Its Relationship with Team Processes and Outcomes: And Empirical Investigation
  • Dr. Peter Spitaler, Theology, Paul鈥檚 Anthropological Reasonings in the First Three Chapters to the Romans
  • Dr. Michael Tomko, Humanities, The Spirits of the Age: The Catholic Question, national Memory, and Religious Difference
  • Dr. Dennis Wykoff, Biology, Identification of the Phosphate Responsive Signal Transduction Pathway in Schizosaccharomyces Pombe

Research Support Grants

  • Dr. Patricia Mynaugh, Nursing, Determining Pregnant Women鈥檚 Reasons for Delaying or not Obtaining Prenatal Care
  • Dr. Jennifer Palechar, Chemistry, Trypansome Gene Expression: A Novel Protein Likely Involved in RNA Polymerase II Recruitment