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Dr. Moeness Amin Invited to Serve on IEEE Signal Processing Society Overview Board

Dr. Moeness Amin, the Director of the Center for Advanced Communications (CAC), College of Engineering, has been invited to serve as a member of the new Overview Board of the IEEE Signal Processing (SP) Society. The IEEE SP Society recently introduced overview articles as a new feature in its transactions. Intended to be of solid technical depth with lasting value and to provide advanced readers with a thorough overview of a field of interest, overview articles are more technically comprehensive than tutorial articles, which are written for readers with a basic knowledge in a given field.

The 16 members of the Overview Board come from international institutions and U.S. universities, including University of California, Irvine; The University of Texas at Austin; MIT; Stanford University; Princeton University; UCLA; and Columbia University. Experts with broad interests, they are highly regarded in the signal processing community. The members provide feedback on any overview article submission originating from one of the IEEE SP Society's four transactions: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, and IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.

The selection of Dr. Amin to serve on the Overview Board reflects his stature within the signal processing technical community and an appreciation of his broad expertise, which covers many applications, including radar, communications, and satellite navigations. A member of the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering since 1985 and CAC Director since 2002, Dr. Amin has received numerous accolades. In August, he was the recipient of the 2009 Technical Achievement Award from the European Association of Signal Processing. He has published more than 400 journal articles and conference papers in the areas of wireless communications, time-frequency analysis, smart antennas, secure communications, interference cancellation in broadband communication platforms, anti-jam GPS, target tracking, direction finding, channel diversity and equalization, and radar systems.


Dr. Moeness Amin
Dr. Moeness Amin, Director of the College of Engineering’s Center for Advanced Communications (CAC) Photos taken by Aurora Imaging Co.