ÎÞÂëרÇø offers our employees access to Health Advocate, the nations’ leading healthcare advocacy and assistance company. Two services are available: Healthcare Help and the Employee Assistance Plan(EAP)+Work/Life Program. Health Advocate is available 24/7, and ensures that all personal information is kept confidential and private.
You have unlimited access to a highly trained Personal Health Advocate (PHA), who can help you navigate the healthcare and insurance systems, efficiently and dependably. The PHA can assist you with finding the right providers, negotiate fees on uncovered medical bills, locate second opinions, provide cost comparisons for medical procedures and much more.
A licensed EAP professional can provide short-term counseling by phone or email, to help you better cope with personal, family and work issues. The Work/Life specialists can assist you with locating the right support services, from childcare and eldercare to legal help. This includes up to 5 in person free counseling sessions per issue per year.
The Health Advocate services cover full-time, benefits eligible faculty and staff along with their spouses, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law.