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Journal Submissions

Articles are invited from all parts of the world. They should be between 2,000 and 8,000 words and in Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced, with footnotes and must follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

The Journal is published in English. It is highly recommended that those scholars whose mother tongue is other than English first send their articles to an American editorial service before submitting them to JSAMES. Articles written in other languages may not be submitted. Submission of an article will be taken to imply that it has not been previously published and is not on offer to any other publisher.

Please submit articles via email as an attached Microsoft Word document to jsames@villanova.edu. Kindly include a brief three-to-six-line autobiography.


The major objective of the Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is to provide a forum for scholars engaged in study of the modern Islamic and non-Islamic societies in South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. It hopes to create a dialogue among specialists and leaders in public affairs in a wide range of areas and disciplines. The physical sciences, the biological sciences, the social sciences, business administration, public administration, and the arts and humanities will be included. Special issues might concentrate on such topics as regional cooperation, religious and intellectual developments, public works, engineering advances, and the impact of transnational cooperation on national communities.

The Journal welcomes contributions, not only from scholars, but from leaders in public affairs as well. While editorial policy avoids commitment to any political viewpoint or ideology, it invites discussion of these issues in the modern context on the understanding that all responsibility for opinions expressed, and accuracy of facts, rests exclusively with the author and not with the Journal or its Editor or the Editorial Board.


  • Manuscripts should be approximately 2,000 to 8,000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
  • Manuscripts should be original works and must not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration by Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
  • Articles will be reviewed by the Editors and will be forwarded for peer review upon their assessment.
  • Chicago Manual Style (Author, Date) system should be used. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, and lengthy notes are strongly discouraged. 
  • A short academic biography of the author(s) should also be included, not to exceed 250 words.


Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (JSAMES), employs two-stage review process. At first step, (one of) the editor(s) of the journal reviews the article in order to decide if it is worthy of peer-review.

If the article can pass this first review, it will then be sent to two anonymous peer-reviewers.  After about 12 to 14 weeks, the authors will receive either an email from the journal relating their decision which will be accompanied by the reviewers' reports or comments.


Articles should be written in clear, jargon-free English with adequate but not excessive documentation. (JSAMES) aims to be accessible to a variety of readers: scholars from diverse disciplines, policy-makers, and journalists, among others.


JSAMES will own copyright to all published works and has the right of first publication, both in print and online, unless other arrangements are made with the Editors in advance.


Manuscripts should be submitted as electronic files to jsames@villanova.edu.  Authors are encouraged to email the Editors at the same address should they have additional questions about the submission process.

Author-Date: Sample Citations upon request

The following examples illustrate citations using the author-date system. Each example of a reference list entry is accompanied by an example of a corresponding parenthetical citation in the text. For more details and many more examples, see chapter 15 of The Chicago Manual of Style.

Contact Us

421 St. Augustine Center
无码专区, PA 19085
Email: jsames@villanova.edu
Phone: (610) 519-4791